Erectile dysfunction
Decreased muscle tone
Bone loss
Memory loss
Twenty percent of men under the age of 40 – and 50% of otherwise healthy men aged 50-70 – are testosterone-deficient (Korenmann et al, 1990).
Cardiologists are now equating low testosterone with cardiovascular disease (Muller, 2004). Testosterone levels in men today have dropped significantly, even compared to a generation ago (Travison, 2006). This is likely due to environmental toxins and an increased incidence of adrenal fatigue.
As a consequence, we are seeing decreased sperm counts coupled with higher infertility rates, as well as increased rates of erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, decreased muscle tone, bone loss, and memory loss, all of which are frequently related to testosterone deficiency. Some of the more frequent early symptoms of andropause are generalized fatigue and a lack of vitality.
Treatment of Andropause:
Supporting the adrenal glands is critical for restoration of all hormonal imbalances.
Depending on the degree of testosterone deficiency (as determined by dried urine spot testing), herbal support, essential oils or bio-identical testosterone can be helpful in reversing or improving symptoms by restoring testosterone to more youthful levels.
It is critical to understand the role that cortisol dysregulation plays in diminishing testosterone levels and ensure that this causative factor is addressed as well.